
How to Repair a Crease Dent With Damaged Paint

4 Mistakes Made When Getting Car Hail Damage Repair

If you have endured the storms that leave hail damage to your car, you know that this can cause bad body damage. Here are the top mistakes people make when dealing with hailstorm repairs to their vehicles. Repairs on Damage Are Put Off You may be thinking that it is only light damage because you can't see the dents. So, you are maybe tempted to put off any repairs. But even light damage may be taking thousands off the value of your car. As a result, it is well worth the $500 or $1000 deductible to get your vehicle fixed. Don't risk waiting and then selling your car later and receiving thousands less for the vehicle due to the storm damage. Having to Wait Until Spring to Repair You technically engage in insurance fraud if you wait to file a current weather claim and are damaged by another hailstorm. There is a possibility of putting this off, but you should be aware of the risks. With a second hailstorm, your vehicle could become totaled. It is impossible to restore your car's original shape after it has been badly damaged. The new destruction makes the pre-existing damage even worse. Contacting Your Insurance Company First to Arrange Repairs After a hailstorm damages a large number of vehicles in an area, insurance companies are often flooded with claims. Unfortunately, an adjuster may not inspect your car for weeks or even months before offering a settlement check. With the long weeks of waiting, you may want to settle with your insurance company. For example, if you have $6,000 in damages, you could accept a $3,000 settlement from your insurance, which means that you have just lost $3,000 without being aware of it. When you trade in your vehicle or need to file another claim, that's when you find out. You can choose any repair shop you want. However, you will want to make a confident decision to work with a reputable automotive hail restoration company committed to giving you the very best result. Fear of Raising Premiums Prevents Claim Filings This is a common misconception, and every year people can lose a lot of money because they don't want to pay a few extra dollars a month in possible premiums while also forgoing the repairs. In the event of hail damage, there is no fault involved. Incurring hail damage to your car and getting it repaired will not make you liable for an increased rate. You can trust the experts at Anderson Dent to get your car repaired quickly, without any hassles. So, give us a call today at  952-890-8530  .

How to Help Prevent Hail Damage to Your Car

16 Sep, 2021

Dealing with the expenses of damage after a hailstorm is not a pleasant experience for many car owners. If you live in an area with frequent hailstorms, protecting your vehicle is vitally important. Here are three things you can do to help prevent hail damage to your car. Stay Alert for Potential Hailstorms By staying alert for potential hailstorms, you can prevent expensive hail damage. Pay attention to the weather forecast throughout the day. Look for signs of an imminent storm, such as dark clouds, strong winds and distant lightning and thunder. Knowing when a hailstorm is coming can help you act quickly to protect your vehicle. Protect Your Vehicle Once you are alerted to a potential storm headed your way, make sure your vehicle is safe. Move your car into your garage or covered parking space if possible. You can also use heavy blankets or comforters to protect your car from hail damage. Invest in Comprehensive Insurance Coverage If your insurance policy features comprehensive coverage, it can help pay for hail damage to your car. However, you may have to pay a deductible if you need repairs. The. hail damage repair shop can work with your insurance company directly so you can get the repairs done quickly with little to no out-of-pocket costs. Contact your insurance agent to make sure your vehicle has the correct coverage. Need Car Hail Damage Repair? Even with the best efforts, it may not always be possible to prevent car hail damage. One of the best ways to repair dents from hail is with the Paintless Dent Repair method. If a hailstorm catches you by surprise, contact Anderson Dent . Skilled technicians are available to fix dents without the need for repainting. At Anderson Dent, we work with insurance companies to quickly get your car back in factory shape. Call today to receive a free estimate for hail damage repair.

Boost Your Car Street Cred by Removing Dents and Repairing Hail Damage

26 Aug, 2021

Do friends and family smirk when you pull up in your car? Dents and hail damage are highly visible defects. The rest of your vehicle could be in perfect condition and still draw looks of derision due to aesthetic imperfections. Our cars are often perceived as a reflection of who we are as people. If you want to put out a more positive message, repairing cosmetic damage is a great place to start. As a result, you will feel more confident and earn the respect you deserve. Dent Repair Our skilled technicians use the most advanced techniques to remove dents from your car. We understand that the cost is often a barrier for Minnesota drivers. Our services are effective and affordable, whether you need dents or unsightly scratches removed. Minnesota car enthusiasts trust Anderson Dent to remove dents of all shapes and sizes seamlessly. In addition, when repairing the damage from scratches, we take great care to ensure that the color and finish is an exact match of the original. Hail Damage No matter how well you plan a drive in Minnesota, damage from hail is all but inevitable. A storm can do a number on your paintwork, leaving large scratches and dents. When you car has been left looking like it has been in a warzone, Anderson Dent technicians will work their magic to restore the finish completely. Our team expertly applies hail repair techniques to undo storm damage. You will drive out of our garage with a vehicle that looks like it just came off the production line. With your street cred restored, all eyes will focus on your incredible ride. Call today to discuss your dent or hail damage repair needs with Anderson Dent in Burnsville, Minnesota. We're waiting to hear from you.

Is Fixing Hail Damage to Your Vehicle Worth It?

19 May, 2021

You made it through the Minnesota winter with no weather-related damage to your car. Good for you! While it's nice to have the ice and snow out of the way, spring and summer can bring storms with strong winds and hail. A hailstorm can wreak havoc on the finish of your car, but is it worth it to have it professionally repaired? The short answer is yes. What are the Chances Your Vehicle Will Be Damaged in a Hailstorm? Minnesota weather is always unpredictable, but the odds of getting through the summer without seeing hail are slim. If you park outside, either at home or at work, your vehicle has a reasonable shot at getting pelted with hailstones, leaving it dinged, dented and damaged. In the past year, Doppler Radar detected hail 70 times in Minneapolis, with on-ground storm watchers reporting hail 87 times. Considering that hail typically falls here between May and September, that means you could see these frozen little water balls hurling towards your paint job about 3.5 times a week, on average. While these calculations are highly simplified, the bottom line is that hail damage is not unusual in Minnesota, so knowing where to get your car repaired isn't a bad idea at all. Is It Worth the Cost to Have Hail Damage Repaired? Many people figure the hassle and cost of having minor hail damage repaired simply isn't worth it. After all, what's a ding or two on a used car, right? If your wheels are nothing more than a means of getting from point A to point B and your car has been around the block for a few decades, the answer could be no. But if you have a nice car and you want to keep its value, you need to get the hail damage repaired sooner rather than later. Keep in mind; hail damage is considered an "act of God," so filing a claim with your insurance for hail damage won't raise your rates. It is possible if your area has been hit hard and there is damage to many vehicles, everyone's rates will go up, but as far as your record with the insurance company, you usually have no worries with a comprehensive policy. If this summer brings damaging hailstones your way, Anderson Dent is your hail damage specialist. Our no-paint dent repair can restore your vehicle to its former glory quickly and more easily than you might think. We'll deal with your insurance company, too. Call us at 952-890-8530 for a free estimate .

Dent & Detail in Hail Season

By 7016531406 28 May, 2020

Any Minnesota car owner will know that hail season can bring problems – especially for those without a sheltered parking area. Anderson Dent & Detail is here to take care of all your repair needs. We understand that some customers may have concerns about COVID-19. Our team will take all necessary precautions to ensure that you and your vehicle are safe throughout any service you may require. Not all drivers are taking luxury journeys. The reality of the current emergency is that some drivers are dubbed as irresponsible for being out on the road. The reality, however, paints a different picture. If you need to take your vehicle onto the road, there are risks besides contracting the virus. Damage to Family Vehicles Damage to a family vehicle can have a significant impact on essential travel. If you must go for groceries, it is important that your car is road worthy. Serious damage to a door can result in jamming, which prevents a driver or occupant from exiting the vehicle. Anderson Dent & Detail can repair that damage with advanced techniques that are affordable and effective. We can take those dents out of the car door or other areas to make your vehicle look like new. If you need your car for family chores or work, our team is here to provide excellence in service. Working Vehicles It is especially important to keep working vehicles looking in top shape. Anderson Dent & Detail will restore your vehicle to its original appearance. If you have dents or are worried about getting your car detailed after hail season, we are still open to provide essential services. Call Anderson Dent & Detail today for a quote. We are committed to answering your questions and providing exceptional support. Reach out today to learn more about the services we offer.

Getting Car Repairs Done While Social Distancing

By Hibu Websites 22 Apr, 2020

If you need to keep your car on the road during the COVID-19 pandemic – especially for work reasons – it is important to keep up with maintenance and repair needs. One of the major concerns during this crisis is whether social distance is feasible when visiting business premises. Car repair shops often require employees to work in close proximity to each other, which makes social distancing a challenge. However, at Anderson Dent & Detail, we have taken a number of steps to ensuring that both our customers and employees are safe. COVID-19 Dent Repair Precautions If you need paintless dent repair or hail repair at this time, taking precautions is important. We are taking pre-scheduled appointments to ensure our customers can practice social distancing. In line with government and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, we recommend all customers attend appointments alone, to minimize risk of COVID-19 transmission. When you attend your appointment, our team members will ensure that a six-foot distance is maintained at all times. We are also practicing frequent hand-washing and the use of protective clothing where appropriate. Although Anderson Dent & Detail is taking every precaution to protect customers, we recommend you wash your hands as soon as you get back home. Doing so will help install the habit of hand washing, which is one of the best defenses against COVID-19. If you have any questions about our adapted processes, a member of our Anderson Dent & Detail team can provide additional guidance. When you are scheduling your appointment, please feel free to seek any further clarifications that will help you practice safe social distancing. Call Anderson Dent & Detail if your car needs essential repairs or detailing. We are committed to helping customers avoid contracting COVID-19, while living as normal a life as possible.

Winter Advisory: Keep Your Dent Repair Expert on Speed Dial

By Hibu Websites 21 Nov, 2019

Here we are again, moving into another Minnesota winter. You know what that means: ice, snow and salt; slipping and sliding; dents and damage. Odds are good your vehicle will need a little TLC before springtime comes. Anderson Dent & Detail will make your winter a little easier this year – in two different ways. Dent Repair is the Name of Our Game Our name tells you we are the guys to call for dent repair. It seems like winter is always the time for those dings and dents that just seem to show up. Ice and gravel chips, a slide at a stop sign from the guy behind you, even the snowplow can kick up debris that leaves your vehicle with an unsightly bruise. We can pop those dents out in no time – often with same-day service. We'll work up a free estimate while you look at plenty of before and after photos of our work. We'll take those dings and dents out and leave your vehicle looking just like new. Like we said, you know we pride ourselves in dent repair – its right in our name. Protect the Finish of Your Car It's no secret. Minnesota weather, especially in the winter, is hard on your car or truck's paint job. The salt mixtures used to keep our roads safe and wreak havoc on your finish. That's why Anderson Dent & Detail also applies Ceramic Pro® – the superior multi-layer, clear, liquid nano-ceramic coating for your paint. Ceramic Pro leaves you with a finish that is many times harder than wax, offering greater protection against salt, oxygenation, UV rays and wear that corrodes and damages the paint and ages your car way before its time. This incredible finish cures to a permanent, durable and flexible glass shield. It's like an extra clear coat that is three times as hard and superior at protection. In fact, it is the hardest protection for car paint on the market. Ceramic Pro has products that protect for the life of your car, if it is maintained properly. Hurry in before your car looks older than you want it to. Call today and talk to one of our experts about our superior dent repair and the incomparable Ceramic Pro protection you need on your car or truck.

Make Your Car Look Like New With Dent Repair

By 7016531406 21 Oct, 2019

Why spend money you don't have on a new car? With dent repair from Anderson Dent & Detail, your car will come out looking brand new. The condition of your car can reflect on you and may even impact on personal and professional relationships. If you have ambitions to impress, in any aspect of your life, make sure the car you drive reflects who you are. Paintless Dent Repair Dents are one of the most common types of damage to a car. Most dent and detail companies charge a fortune for repairing dents and needlessly repainting vehicles. At Anderson Dent & Detail, we have devised a paintless dent repair technique that saves both time and money. In many cases, our team is able to carry out repairs and hand back your car the same day! To save you even more money, we offer a $10 OFF coupon on dent repairs. Our commitment is to ensure customers drive away with a vehicle that is pristine and clean. Scratch Removal Scratches can even happen when your car brushes against shrubs in a parking lot. If another vehicle gets too close, there is also the potential for your car getting scratched up. We are experts at wet sanding and buffing, which is an effective technique for cleanly removing scratches. Factory touch-up paint is used to fill scratches that are too deep. We can quickly assess your vehicle and determine which service is most appropriate. Keeping cost to the minimum is always a primary consideration with Anderson Dent & Detail. We want to make sure every car that leaves our shop looks like it just came off the production line. If you need an affordable option for giving your car a makeover, reach out to Anderson Dent & Detail today. We look forward to seeing you driving away in a car that is fit to impress.

All the Details About Detailing Your Vehicle

By Hibu Websites 19 Sep, 2019

Are all detailing services the same? Just like everything, they aren't even close. You can pay a lot of money for someone to detail your vehicle and wind up unimpressed and frustrated. Or, you can get your wheels detailed by the pros and get exactly what you pay for! What Do You Want in a Detailing Package? It's a given you want things to look great inside and out. But are there other advantages to detailing your car on a regular basis? Let's give it a rundown. Right off the bat, you should look for these things in a quality detailing package: Door jambs and motor washed and cleaned Exterior clay pac with resin compound removes impurities from glass, fiberglass, metal and paint Pressure washed to make sure all dirt and debris is long gone Interior shampooed, spot-cleaned and scrubbed thoroughly Leather deep-conditioned to protect it from wear and weather Solid clean and shine on every bit of plastic and glass The Difference at Anderson Dent and Detail Is in the Details Anderson Dent and Detail knows that keeping your vehicle in the best condition is a priority for you. We don't have a problem giving you excellent service just so your vehicle gets some attention, but this goes beyond vanity. Keeping the nooks and crannies tidy helps maintain the value of your car or truck and keeps it at the top of the market. It also extends the life of your vehicle. Your package includes what you need it to include, whether it's interior or exterior detailing, or the whole works. We also have add-ons for those particularly tough stains and odors, like excess pet hair, tar or road paint. We can even remove smoking odors, so your interior smells like it's fresh and new. The next time you're in the market for a truly detailed detailing service, contact us . Let Anderson Dent and Detail make sure you get everything you pay for – and more.

5 Benefits of Vehicle Ceramic Coating Protection

By 7016531406 20 Aug, 2019

If you take pride in your vehicle's appearance, you want it to retain a shiny, clean look. Wax can help protect the paint and improve the sheen of your vehicle, but it constantly needs to be reapplied. If you want your vehicle to be protected and look its best longer after each wash, consider investing in ceramic coating. At Anderson Dent & Detail, we are certified installers of Ceramic Pro products. Here are five benefits of using Ceramic Pro coating protection for your vehicle. 1. Protection Against Paint Chips Ceramic coating puts an extra layer of protection over your paint, reducing the chance of chips from rocks and other road hazards. The ceramic coating bonds semi-permanently to the paint and wheel surfaces, offering a tough layer of extra protection. 2. Reduced Oxidation Exposure to UV rays can cause the paint on your vehicle to oxidize. Ceramic Pro coating can minimize oxidation by sealing and protecting your paint, helping it last longer. 3. Resistance to Chemicals Acidic chemicals can harm the surface of your vehicle. Ceramic coating provides chemical resistance that can prevent etching or stains from contaminants bonding to the paint or impacting your wheel surfaces. 4. Improved, Long-Lasting Shine If you love that "just waxed" look, Ceramic Pro products can help you enjoy a long-lasting shine. The clear, shiny polymer coating can help your vehicle look spectacular without needing a wax every few months. 5. Vehicle Stays Cleaner Longer One of the biggest benefits of Ceramic Pro is its ability to help your vehicle stay clean after each wash. The ceramic coating repels water and dirt, allowing it to roll off, versus adhering to the paint or wheels. Your vehicle will look clean longer and be easier to clean when protected with ceramic coating. If you want to protect the paint of your car or truck and make it easier to maintain a shiny, clean appearance, consider investing in Ceramic Pro. Our team at Anderson Dent & Detail are certified to apply Ceramic Pro products, with options from the Sport Package up to the Gold Package, with a lifetime warranty. Give us a call to receive a free estimate on adding ceramic coating to your vehicle.

How to Repair a Crease Dent With Damaged Paint


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